Because of this work with Jen I am standing in a new place of strength
I started to work with Jen because I was experiencing information overwhelm. My work as a Spiritual guide, is heart centered and as easy as breathing. Putting myself out in the world was challenging. I was feeling insecure around my business and believing everyone else knew better than I, about growing it. I gave away my power without realizing it. Jen showed me a different way.
Jen engages with me in a way that creates impact. With unbridled curiosity she asks the type of questions that allow for the epiphanies and awareness to come in the most timely, authentic and powerful way. I believe that Jen’s ability to hold space with such acceptance, courage and love allowed me to show up extraordinary. I am gaining awareness as Jen shines a light on some of the ways I hold myself back in in my life and in the world. Every session is sacred and I completely trust Jen. I am able to look at uncomfortable challenges where fears hide, because I know that Jen is by my side and I am completely supported.
Because of this work with Jen I am standing in a new place of strength. I am recognizing the beauty of my gifts as a light worker. Through coaching with Jen I am gaining clarity on what I want to offer in my business and I am creating amazing ways to show up for my clients.
I would recommend working with Jen to any entrepreneur who desires something more in their life and in their business. This work is intimate and powerful and will impact you and the works you want to create, YOUR WAY!!!!
Jen truly cared about helping me create the life I wanted
I chose to work with Jen because of her easy-going style and conversational grace. She is a natural coach who truly cared about helping me create the life I wanted.
Through our work, I was able to look at the big picture of my life and develop strategies to be more objective when viewing certain situations. Jen was always available and very responsive to my needs. I always felt heard. Jen challenged me by asking the tough questions which helped me identify what was most important to me.
I would absolutely recommend Jen as a coach.
Jen helps me see things outside the box
Jen has a genuine warmth about her. She is extremely engaging and always listens without judgement. She helps me see things from a different perspective, which helps me move forward towards my goals. Jen helps me compartmentalize issues that might be overwhelming and confusing so I can work through them in a manageable way.
I’d recommend Jen to anyone looking for support in their life. If you feel challenged by obstacles and need a support system that is compassionate, warm, nonjudgmental, and knowledgeable Jen would be a wonderful person to partner with.
I have regained my confidence and found my joy
I’m a busy entrepreneur who spends a lot of time working with and for others in my consulting / coaching practice. Though I find this work fulfilling, sometimes even the coach needs a coach. I came to work with Jen when I was struggling to get through a tough business situation. It was difficult time for me and I needed help reframing things in a different way. I was experiencing a crisis of confidence and it was messing me up.
Jen came highly recommended to me as I was experiencing a low point in my professional career. In speaking with her before we started the coaching process, Jen helped me see a few things in a new way that really shifted things for me. I decided to partner with her and she quickly helped me with some different approaches and perspectives. It helped me discover my joy and trust my super power.
I knew that it was important for me to wake up every day happy. What I discovered is that I was trying to define my joy by what I thought it should be, not in what it really is for ME. It was a breakthrough discovery early in the coaching relationship. I put it all into a one pager, called “my ideal life” which brought several important ideas together on one page. I keep this page on my desk and see it every day. I also keep it with me in my bag and look at it often. This one pager anchors and aligns my actions to my core values. When I start to get off track I have this tool to bring me right back. I have clarity on what brings me joy and have learned to say “no” to things that aren’t serving me well, personally and professionally.
I would recommend Jen to any “troubled” executive that has lost their joy or is experiencing a crisis of confidence.
Through my work with Jen I have regained my confidence, found MY joy and can now focus on what I love most in my business and in my life.
After 40 years of marriage our relationship is better than ever
“With Jen’s help, I’ve learned to communicate more effectively with my wife. After 40 years of marriage our relationship is better than ever.
I would recommend Jen to anyone with a deep desire to improve their relationships. If you’re unhappy with your current relationship and want to move your life forward, Jen can help you as she helped me.”
Every time I talk with Jen, she shows up positive, fully present, ready to collaborate, and focused on creating awesome results
I have worked with Jen for over 1 year, and have been amazed and impressed with her commitment to be of highest service to her clients!!! Her willingness to push her own comfort zone serves as an example for her clients to do the same, and every time I talk with Jen, she shows up positive, fully present, ready to collaborate, and focused on creating awesome results…always with an open heart and a bright, beautiful smile on her face. Her warmth just oozes through her work! She is an expert leader in her field, easy to connect with quickly, and really knows how to use her expertise for positive outcomes. She continually invests in herself as a business owner, so she can offer the best service possible to her expanding client community! It’s clear that Jen loves her business and will continue to set an example for others of what it means to do meaningful work that you love. I highly recommend working with Jen!
Jen has an intuitive gift and passion for helping people get unstuck and discover their ideal path in life.
Her genuine, caring personality reveals her nurturing spirit which enables her to listen deeply and relate to her clients’ needs, while simultaneously she possesses a sharp mind that is bursting with creative ideas and solutions to challenges. She’s a fantastic life coach.
Jen has helped me get clear on next steps for this new phase in my life and career
Top of FormI was at a crossroad in my 32-year career within our family business. I am very passionate about our business. I work, sleep and obsess about it, it’s important to me to add value in whatever role I take on. As the company grew I struggled with my role, it became easier to identify what I disliked about my role in the company but found it very difficult to decide what new role I wanted to play as I moved forward in an active role with the goal of growing the business (not a bad problem to have you would think, but for me it was torture).
I met Jen and found her to be warm, vibrant and easy to talk with. Given my internal struggle I decided Jen would be a good person to work with to help identify and choose my next chapter within our company
I am a private but positive person. I ask myself a lot of questions, I question a lot of things and usually have clear goals in my life. For several reasons, I lost my personal clarity and goals within my business. No matter how hard I tried to resolve this myself it became overwhelming. I realized I needed support. Jen helped me to regain personal clarity, identify and validate my strengths and rediscover many professional goals I had put on the “back burner” for many reasons…She has also helped me get clarity on next steps for this new phase in my life and career.
Jen is thoughtful, non-judgmental and a great listener. She offers a safe space to talk through challenges and explore new possibilities.
I would recommend Jen to a business owner who can’t “get out of their own way”.
Working with Jen was one of the best decisions I made both personally, as well as, professionally!
I took control and I stopped saying I can’t
I am a 40 something year old mother of 2 daughters. I am also a business owner, a wife, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a godmother, a volunteer and a devoted friend. Life is busy and overwhelming.
I came to work with Jen because I was at a crossroads with multiple family members, my marriage although strong by many standards was going through a challenging time, work was very stressful, my daughter’s needs were changing and becoming more demanding than ever and add a limited amount of living space, crazy traffic and carpool and the worst winter EVER – I was at the end of my rope – literally.
I was referred to Jen by a dear friend who was rightfully concerned about my well-being and mental state. It was one of the best things that anyone has ever done for me and here is why…
I walked into Jen’s office and sat on her couch broken and feeling stuck. 7 months later I am sitting on my couch smiling and writing about my journey – I am still in awe some days I just pinch myself as I am so proud of what she helped me accomplish – she stood with me as I found myself and I am beyond appreciative.
Weekly, I met with Jen and talked about all my challenges and with her support and accountability, a metamorphosis started to take place. I resisted changing in beginning of our time together but I liked her and trusted her and I knew deep down that I needed something to change if I was to have the life I wanted. So, I made the decision do what we agreed on. I slowly started to take better care of myself by incorporating meditation and yoga into my morning, and eating foods that fueled my body. I quickly noticed that my mood was so much better and my anxiety was at a much lower level that I had ever experience. I also started sleeping better and longer hours and I woke refreshed and ready to take on all the challenges that I was facing – and that made a HUGE difference. I learned to take care of me so that I could take care of everyone and everything else.
I TOOK CONTROL AND I STOPPED SAYING I CAN’T – Jen gave me the encouragement I needed to break my old patterns and change my mindset. And now, even though the things around me haven’t changed, I’ve changed how I react and it has been life altering in the most positive way.
The “tools” we discovered. I still use today 5 years later as my responsibilities have grown and my life has only gotten busier … I am grateful to Jen for her ongoing support and guidance.
She helped me in ways I could have never imagined
I had the privilege of being introduced to a Jen a few years ago by a dear friend of mine. I had reached a point in my life where I was dealing ( or not dealing ) with situations in a way that no longer worked for me or my family. I was a full time business owner, a wife ,a mother , a daughter, a sister , a friend and a volunteer and I was overwhelmed…
Jen and I met weekly for a few months and she helped me in ways I could have never imagined. She was kind and patient , yet very practical and real so I could relate to what she was teaching and apply it immediately . The “tools” she gave me I still use today 5 years later as my responsibilities have grown and my life has only gotten busier .. I am grateful to Jen for her ongoing support and guidance.
Sometimes I cry with Jen, sometimes I laugh, but I always feel held by her.
Like most people, I know exactly what I need to do to eat better, sleep more, be more productive, etc., but sometimes I need someone to remind me how to access my toolbox. Jen helps me realize what blocks my ability to reach my goals and we work together to break down the barriers. Sometimes it’s the goals themselves that need tweaking and Jen helps to me to focus on what I really want. Jen has helped me find my authentic voice so that I can ask for what I need and say no when saying yes might not be what’s best for me. With Jen as my anchor and cheerleader, I am achieving my goals and finding more joy in my life. Sometimes I cry with Jen, sometimes I laugh, but I always feel held by her. My sessions with Jen are gifts that I give to myself and they are worth their weight in gold.
Impactful and absolutely high caliber
“Jen is warm and nurturing and she really comes through for her clients. Being coached by her felt very good: she was curious about my experience, helped me stand in my values, and never for a second doubted that I would find my own wisdom and answers through our work together. A morning session with her changed my outlook on the day: I didn’t spend it on all the ‘shoulds’, but reclaimed time for myself while still making progress and working towards my goals and dreams. Impactful and absolutely high caliber.”