
The Significance Project

The inner work for the sake of the our world.

A digital community crafted for Significance Seekers and Forces for Good.

This newsletter isn’t just about achieving goals;

it’s about pioneering substantial change in ourselves and our world.

The Significance Project is about what it takes to play your own game, not the game we’ve inherited.

It’s about deciding to play YOUR game in every aspect of your life.

It’s about amplifying your unique impact, on your terms.

It’s about interrupting long-standing patterns…finally.

It’s about living into the mindset shifts you need to truly change course.

It’s about finding consistent sources of fuel to inspire you.

It’s about giving you strength.

It’s about equipping you to feel better and do better.

It’s about making sure that ALL the domains of your life are flourishing – not just your career.

(But yes, let’s absolutely leverage and uplevel your career to make the impact you’re envisioning.)

It’s about making sure you are resourced with the tools, tips and provocations you need to live your life of significance.

In other words: this is warrior training.

To be a part of The Significance Project

Sign up here