We’re doing gratitude all wrong and it’s keeping us stuck.

We’re doing gratitude all wrong and it’s keeping us stuck.

This post is an excerpt from The Significance Project. If this resonates with you, I’d love for you to be part of the community.

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 “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.”

 John F. Kennedy

Maybe I missed the lesson on gratitude—or maybe there wasn’t one. Growing up, there was always a rule: gather, be grateful, and then return to the same patterns as before. No deeper reflection. No hard conversations. No real change. Just an annual ritual of thanks followed by inertia.

Perhaps that’s where it loses me. 

As someone who has spent years observing how people make sense of the world, I’ve noticed a recurring theme: gratitude often feels hollow. It’s not that people aren’t grateful—it’s that the practice is disconnected from anything substantive.

We sit around the table saying, “I’m grateful for my family,” while avoiding the fractures in those relationships.
We declare, “I’m grateful for my health,” yet neglect the habits that sustain it.
We claim gratitude for our work but turn a blind eye to inefficiencies, toxic dynamics, or systemic challenges that hold us back from its fullest potential.

This kind of gratitude feels performative—a glossy surface over truths we’re unwilling to face.

And maybe that’s why this time of year feels so unnerving to me. 

I don’t lack gratitude; I reject what I call “fluffy gratitude.” I love the very definition of gratitude: “a strong appreciation for. I am deeply grateful for the air I breathe, the mind I’ve been given, and the perspectives I can see. 

And, for me, gratitude isn’t passive. It’s active. It’s tied to effort, to the sweat and intention of building a life I am proud of. A life that feels good and does good. It’s a gratitude grounded in substance and significance – or what I call “significant gratitude” – and significant gratitude is the exact opposite of the fluffy gratitude that keeps us stuck in an unsatisfactory status quo instead of reaching for all that’s possible.

Significant gratitude—the kind that leads to growth, connection, and impact—isn’t a seasonal ritual; it’s a daily practice of acknowledgment and action. 

It’s not enough to say, “I’m grateful for my health.” Significant gratitude asks: What are you doing to take care of all of you? 

It’s not enough to say, “I’m grateful for my family.” Significant gratitude asks: How are you showing up for them, especially when it’s hard? 

It’s not enough to say, “I’m grateful for my work.” Significant gratitude asks: Are you willing to address the challenges that hold your work back?

The relationships I have with my family and friends didn’t just happen. I sought the gaps, created the spaces, and brought in the experts to have the big, sometimes raw conversations. I invested in making repairs and new agreements a priority.

The work I do wasn’t handed to me. I trained like a warrior—always learning, practicing, and refining my craft.

The clarity I have about who I am and why I’m here wasn’t luck. It came from stripping away outdated beliefs, confronting self-sabotage, and refusing to settle for a life that felt flat and uninspired.

For me, gratitude isn’t a list of blessings that fell into my lap. It’s a recognition of what I’ve built and what I continue to fight for. 

So when I look around the table, I don’t just feel grateful for my family or my work—I feel grateful for the choices I’ve made to cultivate a life of significance.

This is the missing piece. Gratitude isn’t about gathering once a year to say “thank you” and then returning to old habits. It’s about aligning your actions with what truly matters, every day.

Yes, I am profoundly grateful—but not just for what I have. I’m grateful for the person I’ve become. This is gratitude worth practicing. Gratitude that feels real, earned, and significant.

Final note – This is the work I do with my ambitious, big-thinking, deep-feeling clients. Through high-proximity 1:1 coaching and thought partnership, I help them stop feeling discontent despite their extraordinary success and disconnected from the people who matter most. Together, we design lives that feel unburdened, joyful, and purposeful—lives of significance.


This reflection comes from The Significance Project. If it resonates, you can receive essays like this straight to your inbox by subscribing here.

Jen Karofsky | Thought Partner & Coach for Visionary Leaders & Significance Seekers

 Jen Karofsky collaborates with leaders who are ready to disrupt the status quo and craft a life of legacy, deep connection, and purposeful impact. Through intentional coaching and bold thought partnership, Jen Karofsky helps you align your work, your values, and your vision to create transformational change in your world.

Join The Significance Project to redefine success and step into your power.


The Significance Project

My monthly(ish) newsletter for the tools, tips and provocations you need to live your life of significance.

More on the BLG:


Explore the unique challenges and triumphs of ambitious leaders who embrace both personal and professional growth. Learn how “The Significance Project” helps leaders transform all aspects of their lives, not just their careers. Dive into our insights on holistic growth and discover how you can become a grappler, a warrior in your own life journey.

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Feeling the Wobble: Rising Strong in a Shifting World

Feeling the wobble in today’s uncertain world? Discover how to rise strong, ground yourself, and build resilience in the face of instability. Explore how intentional inner work can transform reactivity into clarity and lead to a life of purpose, impact, and significance. Read more and start your journey toward steadiness and lasting impact.

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For When you Feel Unfulfilled even Though You Seem to Be At The Peak of Success

For When you Feel Unfulfilled even Though You Seem to Be At The Peak of Success

This post is an excerpt from The Significance Project. If this resonates with you, I’d love for you to be part of the community.

You can sign up here.

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When Success Feels Hollow: A Common Challenge for Leaders

If you’re feeling bored, uninspired, or disconnected, you’re not alone. Despite their accomplishments, many high-level, highly knowledgeable leaders grapple with overwhelm, exhaustion, and an undercurrent of dissatisfaction – the very opposite of the life of significance they’re craving. If this is you, you might notice you’re avoiding new ideas, resisting collaboration, or feeling disconnected from the work and people that once sparked joy.

It’s going to sound paradoxical or maybe even counterintuitive, because everything in our culture of success trains us to reach for certainty so we can make smart and impactful decisions, but your certainty about what you know is actually the reason you’re not satisfied with anything right now.

Here’s what happens when you’re rock-solid certain about something (or, worse, when you’re certain about almost everything): you stop listening. You stop engaging. You stop taking in new information and you stop picking up the signals.

And without new information, epiphany, the thrill of learning, and just plain novelty, life gets very gray, very fast.

That’s why when my highly-accomplished leaders tell me they’re bored, restless and not feeling fulfilled in their lives, I know certainty is in the room.

The need for certainty can become a mental cage, one that limits engagement, kills collaboration, and squashes curiosity. When we’re locked in certainty, people around us may feel they can’t reach us or that we’re unreceptive (because we are!), which can ultimately lead to a breakdown in relationships—the one thing we truly desire to keep strong and fully feel our lives.

No connection, no spark. At work or at home.

Here are a few examples of how certainty might be showing up and holding you back:

The Leader Who Won’t Delegate

You’re overwhelmed with every detail, utterly certain about how it should be done and convinced that no one else can do it right. This mindset keeps you overworking (may as well do it yourself…); your team underperforming; and all you locked in a vicious spin cycle that prevents both your own and your team’s growth.

The Visionary Who Theoretically Values Collaboration but Avoids It Like the Plague

In your head, you’re dreaming of the dream team and the creative exhilaration that comes from collaborating with people at the top of their games. But in reality, you default to working solo so that you get to do everything your way (because again, you’re certain about how it needs to be done); don’t have to moderate your plans or process to accommodate anyone else’s perspective; and honestly, you need to feel like you’re the certain center of everything at work (feeling feeling sidelined or irrelevant is your personal kryptonite). As a result, you never get to that impactful place where everyone’s working in synergy and magic happens. Instead of experiencing the exhilaration of collaborative creation, you end up resenting everyone around you and fail to cultivate the empowered, collaborative team of your professional dreams.

The Partner Craving Connection but Stuck in Habit

You want to connect more deeply with loved ones, so you invite them to do things you’re certain will create that feeling…even if they would rather do anything but that activity. An example: you love hiking and feel deeply connected to nature, so you’re certain that if your partner went hiking with you, the two of you would have a transformative experience that would bring you closer together. You suggest it to them, but they hate hiking and resist, but you’re so certain it’s the thing that will make a difference in your relationship that you relentlessly persist. And now you’re in a fight and feeling further apart than ever. Your certainty is actually blocking the opportunities to connect and intimacy you crave.

Your  Indicator Light – How Certainty Feels

Lots of colds, maybe even a few injuries (how’s that knee doing?). A bit more bossy or a bit more distant with your team. A little shorter with your kids. Avoiding meetings. Taking way too many meetings. Taking offense. Ruminating when you should be sleeping. Putting your head down and just doing the job. Being so preoccupied with everything else that your job feels impossible or insignificant. Demanding the impossible from your spouse, right now.

When certainty takes over, it doesn’t just affect your actions; it seeps into your emotions, thoughts, body and behaviors. So when you’re seeing these patterns, they’re warning lights that you’re locked in certainty and locking yourself out of the personal and professional vibrancy you’re craving.

Curiosity-The Antidote to Certainty

To break free from certainty, you must cultivate the skill of curiosity—your willingness to see things differently, to embrace possibilities, and to listen to perspectives you might not expect. Curiosity invites you to step out of the confines of “knowing” and into the boundless world of “exploring.”

Leaning into curiosity requires that you learn how to pattern-interrupt, and this is where a bit of inspiration from Mr. Rogers can help.

The Mr. Rogers Exercise

If you remember Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, you’ll recall that Mr. Rogers would start each episode by coming into our homes, changing his shoes, and putting on his cardigan, signaling a shift from the everyday world to the Land of Make-Believe. Here, he’d interact with a world of curiosity, imagination, and possibility.

As a leader, you can create your own rituals to signal a similar shift, stepping out of certainty and into a mindset of openness and discovery:

  1. Change Your Environment: Whether it’s putting on a different sweater, going to a new space, or simply adjusting your workspace, choose a physical act that symbolizes stepping into a fresh mental space.
  2. Embrace the Land of Make-Believe: Imagine you’re entering a world where anything is possible. Visualize challenges as opportunities, and let go of the need to control the outcome. Ask yourself, What might be possible here if I approach it with curiosity?
  3. Invite Others Into This Space: Once you’re in this open mindset, reach out to someone who sees things differently. Start a conversation that’s focused on exploring new ideas, asking big questions, and creating fresh possibilities.
  4. Ask Questions and Co-Design: Having all the answers is the death of curiosity, so you have to be willing to not have all the answers, all the time, and that means asking questions. In our earlier example, you heard about the hiker who wants to connect with their partner, who wants NOT to hike but probably also wants to connect. If our hiker had voiced that desire and leaned into curiosity, they would have asked their partner how they could make more connection and intimacy happen, and they probably would have been snuggling on the sofa or drinking wine by the beach right now. When you ask questions, you start co-designed experiences and that is what lands you in the joy that makes life a delight.

Using these specific practices to lean into curiosity helps you escape the death-grip of certainty that dulls your life and makes you restless. Curiosity rather than certainty is what reawakens the innovative, collaborative spirit that fosters meaning, drives true impact, and fuels your life of significance.

Curious on diving deeper? Join The Significance Project!

Jen Karofsky | Thought Partner & Coach for Visionary Leaders & Significance Seekers

 Jen Karofsky collaborates with leaders who are ready to disrupt the status quo and craft a life of legacy, deep connection, and purposeful impact. Through intentional coaching and bold thought partnership, Jen Karofsky helps you align your work, your values, and your vision to create transformational change in your world.

Join The Significance Project to redefine success and step into your power.


The Significance Project

My monthly(ish) newsletter for the tools, tips and provocations you need to live your life of significance.

More on the BLG:


Explore the unique challenges and triumphs of ambitious leaders who embrace both personal and professional growth. Learn how “The Significance Project” helps leaders transform all aspects of their lives, not just their careers. Dive into our insights on holistic growth and discover how you can become a grappler, a warrior in your own life journey.

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Feeling the Wobble: Rising Strong in a Shifting World

Feeling the wobble in today’s uncertain world? Discover how to rise strong, ground yourself, and build resilience in the face of instability. Explore how intentional inner work can transform reactivity into clarity and lead to a life of purpose, impact, and significance. Read more and start your journey toward steadiness and lasting impact.

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